Monday, November 7, 2016

"My Hot Tub" and Reviews

by Andrew Novak

I own a hot tub but I often forget to put the cover on it, so it’s usually full of leaves and dead moths.

Reviews of  "My Hot Tub"

"It feels so real and…completely authentic. It's less like reading a one-sentence story and more like looking into an actual hot tub only to see the reflection of your own undesirable visage amidst the flotsam and detritus." —Halifax Times Reaper, Sunday Edition

“Never before has an author captured so succinctly the voice of a time, a place, a generation.”
—C.S. Dickskin, author of Knife Nights

“One thing I like about ThermoSpa is that they allow you to customize your own hot tub. I had mine equipped with an easy-to-use sliding cover, so I’ve never had any issues with keeping it sealed off when not in use. Honestly, this author should consider a consultation with ThermoSpa. Could solve the problem?”
—John H.

“I’ve also had problems with this particular hot tub model. The cover is overly complicated and somewhat difficult to handle (it’s massive and broken into several heavy folding sections, ugh). To me, the author’s grievance strikes me more as an issue of product design failure rather than laziness. I can relate. Hang in there!”
—Andrea Masterson, NJ

“I think C.S. Dickskin might be going a bit too far with his claims about ‘My Hot Tub.’ While I admire the author’s intent, I’m just not sure how meaningful this one-sentence story is. Is it a comment on suburban living? A reflection on the death of the American Dream? We honestly can’t tell with the limited prose that we have here.”

“I found John H.’s review to be tremendously useful. It was both friendly and spoke directly to the issue at hand. It was solution-oriented. Too often on the internet, comment boards descend into mockery, division, and other forms of negativity. It was a breath of fresh air to see someone lending a helping hand to another person in need. Thank you, John H.”
—Ania Polaska, Krakow   

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